October 11, 2007

The Wine They Serve in Hell- or Korea.

by Webmaster
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I mistakenly stumbled over to Cracked.Com’s site just after I ate lunch and read their article on the 6 Most Terrifying Foods in the World. You can go here and check it out, but you may never want to eat foreign food again.

Number 3 on this list was a bottle of wine called “Baby Mice Wine.”

Its a rice wine with about a dozen dead baby mice floating in it. And for a reason only Satan and some whacky Asians know, you can drink it.

From Cracked.Com here:

Baby mice wine is a traditional Chinese and Korean “health tonic,” which apparently tastes like raw gasoline. Little mice, eyes still closed, are plucked from the embrace of their loving mothers and stuffed (while still alive) into a bottle of rice wine. They are left to ferment while their parents wring their tiny mouse paws in despair, tears drooping sadly from the tips of their whiskers.

Wait, it gets worse …
Do you wince at the thought of swallowing a tequila worm? Imagine how you’d feel during a session on this bastard. Whoops, I swallowed a dead mouse! Whoops, there goes another one! Whoops, I just puked my entire body out of my nose!

Who are you going to find in America that’s OK with drinking dead fetus juice as a way to improve their own health? OK, other than lawyers.

I Googled it because Cracked is a satire and humor magazine and I just couldn’t believe such a thing exists. It does. Dear. God. No.