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Tag: food

June 16, 2010

Mussels Fettucini

by Webmaster
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How lucky am I? My wife whipped this up for dinner tonight. Mussels in a white wine sauce with shallots and garlic poured over fresh fettucini.

June 3, 2010

Grim Eater Banned from NZ Funeral Homes

by Webmaster
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There is lots of free food around if you know where to look. Church bazaars, pot luck dinners at schools or community functions. And in New Zealand, they serve food at funerals. One man was attending four or more funerals per week and stocking up while politely paying his respects to the dearly departed whom he didn’t know.

From Reuters here:

A New Zealand funeral home has stepped in to stop a fake mourner who was attending up to four funerals a week to stock up on food, even filling up tupperware containers to take home, according to media reports.

The “grim eater” appeared at up to four funerals a week in March and April to enjoy the finger food but clearly did not know the deceased.
“Certainly he had a backpack with some tupperware containers so when people weren’t looking, he was stocking up.”

He said the man was “always very quiet and polite, and did as the rest of the mourners did in paying his respects.”

I think at my funeral I want my body to hold a big bowl of onion dip and my casket can be filled with potato chips. Until I read this story the thought of serving finger foods at a funeral was completely alien to me.

November 9, 2008

God Exists and He Uses Baconnaise for His Sammiches

by Webmaster
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I popped over to the SoGood blog and saw the post about the bacon salt packs and the fabulous baconnaise sandwich spread and my mouth instantly started watering. I want some.

I would put this stuff on every sandwich I make. I would spread it on my morning bagel. I would dip carrot sticks and cucumber slices into it.  Here is my ultimate fantasy sandwich right now, if only I had some Baconnaise:

Warm dark meat chicken pieces, melted swiss cheese, crispy lettuce and tomato slices, with a dash of salt and pepper on slices of french bread, with creamy Baconnaise spread on each slice.

I shouldn’t blog hungry.

July 25, 2008

Cornish Pasty to Finally Be Trademarked

by Webmaster
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Mmmm. The Cornish Pasty. (pronounced PAH-stee) I have been to Cornwall and have eaten some of these wonderful meatpies, and they are indeed a regional treasure that deserves protection.

From Reuters here:

Cornish pasty makers in Cornwall moved a step closer to securing branding and marketing rights for the traditional snack after the government backed their European bid for regional protection.

If successful, only pasty makers in Cornwall that use traditional methods and recipes for the meat and vegetable snack will be able to use the trademark, barring copy-cat like products from branding and marketing their products as Cornish pasties.
Any trademark would cover the Cornish pasty’s traditional recipe and appearance. A genuine Cornish pasty has a distinctive D shape with the pastry crimped on one side, never on top.

It is filled with minced or roughly cut chunks of beef, swede or turnip, potato and onion.

The pasty originated as a meal the tin miners could easily pack for a lunch. It contains hunks of beef and local veggies. Think of an American pot pie, folded in half with heartier fillings, and you get the picture.

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