
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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CuddleFail: Camel in Texas Stomps Owners to Death

Camels are so cute except when they are stomping the shit out of their owners. In Wichita Falls, Texas, a camel farm owner and her ranch hand were murdered by a cranky camel because his ice trough had frozen over despite Al Gore’s warnings that the world is boiling.


From the Inquistr here:

Camel Kisses Camel Farm in Wichita Falls, Texas, was the site of a horrific scene Saturday morning. A “large, aggressive camel” trampled two people to death as one person entered to break ice on the camel’s water trough.

What police found was a “very aggressive camel with blood on his chest and on his mouth.” Inside the pen the deputies found two bodies, belonging to 53-year-old Mark Mere and 72-year-old Peggy McNair.

Peggy was the owner of the farm and frequently called upon Mere to help care for the animals. The Camel Kisses Camel Farm was somewhat of a tourist destination in the area, with school children frequenting the farm to see the camels. McNair was not a newbie to dealing with camels. In fact, she had raised camels for almost 20 years prior to this accident.

When sheriff deputies arrived, the camel was still acting aggressively. Deputies had to distract the camel so that the bodies could be removed from the pen. When the camel did not calm down, a Texas game warden was called in to put down the animal.

It appeared that the bodies had been at the site for several hours, with Duke saying it appears Mere was killed first, followed by McNair.

Camels can be vicious. Check out the meta tag for more stories on camel tramplings. Shocker that a desert animal might get pissed because when it needs water after 10 days, its ice trough is frozen over. That’s a stompin’! Camels are rude, large, ugly, and spitty. Minuature alpacas are actually much better at “kissing.”

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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