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Food Safety Confab in Baltimore Pretty Much Guarantees Food Poisoning

Baltimore is a filthy, sick city, filled with slacker workers. If you want proof, just look at what happened with a Food Safety Industry tried to hold a convention in Baltimore. They all got food poisoning because the food workers at the convention center in Baltimore suck at their jobs.

07.20.12- BALTIMORE, MD- A mass of litter and debris float on the surface of the water on the south side of the Inner harbor near the Rusty Scupper Restaurant. The flooding from yesterdays rainstorm played its part to sweep some of the garbage that missed the trash cans around Baltimore  into the waters that feed the Chesapeake Bay. (Maximilian Franz/The Daily Record).
07.20.12- BALTIMORE, MD- A mass of litter and debris float on the surface of the water on the south side of the Inner harbor near the Rusty Scupper Restaurant. The flooding from yesterdays rainstorm played its part to sweep some of the garbage that missed the trash cans around Baltimore into the waters that feed the Chesapeake Bay. (Maximilian Franz/The Daily Record).

From Inquistr here:

More than 1,500 professional experts in food safety, men and women on the front lines in the battle to protect America’s food supply from dangerous contamination and deadly germs, attended the National Food Safety Summit convention earlier this month at the Baltimore Convention Center.

Now, in a bizarre twist, more than 100 of the food safety specialists say they got food poisoning at the Food Safety Summit.

The summit was held April 8, 9 and 10 — but it was about 12 hours after a meal was served on the second day of the Food Safety Summit that attendees began reporting that they felt sick after consuming that meal.

The outbreak is being described as gastroenteritis, but that name simply refers to almost any kind of digestive illness characterized by intestinal inflammation. The term can cover a number of diseases from a variety of sources, including viruses, bacterial infection or even parasites.

Everything and everyone in Baltimore is cross-contaminated with fecal matter. The place is gross, dirty, and quickly becoming the next Detroit.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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