
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeEco-ReligionStupid People

James Ray Stole Hawaiian Mysticism Too

More and more is leaking out about the moonbattery that New Age Guru and con man James Ray pushed on his followers. From this telling interview below, former follower and still nutbag Mickey Reynolds says that James Ray had his followers walk across coals and that James Ray studied with a Hawaiian Kahuna, or magician.

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In fact, on James Ray’s tour schedule here, he claims that he has also studied and mastered Kaballah and Brazilian magick (spelled with a k to add more phear!) too. And you can learn this magick for 5,700 bucks!

Now just suppose you could experience and connect physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually with a Higher Power that can bring anything into your life that you desire….

Imagine for a moment that you could connect with this Higher Power so completely that you could access it anytime… anywhere.
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With Modern Magick you’ll have all that and more.

I’ve studied with the Qu’ero Shaman in Peru (the only direct descendents of the Inca), the Brazilian Shaman in the deep jungles and rainforests, the ancient Kahuna of Hawai’i as well as many Native American traditions. My search has also led me to the esoteric schools of Qabalah (or Kabbalah), the mystical temples of Egypt, the ancient mystery schools and ceremonial magick. While their terminology and approaches may be slightly different, they all hold the same fundamental truths.
Modern Magick synthesizes all of these great
traditions into a practical format for present-day life.

By applying timeless wisdom in a contemporary way, Modern Magick gives you the answers to these questions and the tools to transform the fabric of your world.

Let’s take off the restraints and get started.

You owe it to the rest of your life to get to Modern Magick as quickly as you can. The investment is ONLY $5695 per person.

What a giant crock of bullshit.
As soon as James Ray began to make it big, he bought fast cars and started snorting coke off of whore’s asses. If you believe any of this that James Ray says, you are a moron. Yes, you really are. James Ray’s publisher has cancelled new runs of his books since he killed three of his idiot followers in Arizona. Refer to my now updated list here.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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