
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Now They Want Cows to Wear Masks

Government zealots, not happy with making all the people wear masks during COVID, are now wanting to force cows to wear masks too. Not to stop a spread of a disease, but to catch methane burps that come from cows. To stop climate change.

From CTVNews here:

Zero Emission Livestock Project — claims that its burp-catching masks will help slow the spread of greenhouse gas emissions, a key component in the force of climate change.

The mask is a muzzle-like contraption that monitors the percentage of methane being released by a cow. When the monitor detects an excessive amount of gas, it then converts the methane gas into water and CO2 and releases it from the device.

Cant blame a team of people trying to earn a buck on climate alarmism. But this seems like a dumb idea. Why don’t they just put filters in cattle stables? Also, how long before governments begin to REQUIRE cattle farmers to purchase such devices?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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