
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeWhy Homeschool?You're Fired!

Reason 22 to HomeSchool: Aspiring Principal Won’t Bang Your 16 Year-Old in a Car

Meet Courtney Bowles. She used to teach at Mountain View High School in Loveland Colorado, and her specialty, if you can believe it, was instructing other educators about not having sex with their students.

The fact that you need to have a professional on staff to tell other adults that its wrong to stick your under-age students’ penises in your starving vagina is sad enough. Even sadder yet is that Courtney Bowles was caught riding the baloney pony of a child in the back seat of a car parked at night in a public park. With deep hypocrisy like this she must have a strict Democrat voting record.

From BadBadTeacher here:

Courtney Renee Bowles, 31, an instructional coach for Mountain View High School in Loveland, Colorado has been arrested for sexual assault of a juvenile male, sexual assault on a minor by a person in a position of trust, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Bowles was discovered at approximately 10:40 p.m. when officers found Bowles and the boy in a vehicle at North Lake Park after the park closed at 10:30 pm.

Bowles was an instructional coach is a staff member who works with other staff members to improve their classroom instruction and how they interact with students.

The contributing to delinquency is because she also fed vodka and sprite to the child before molesting him.

And if you think she has only ruined the life of her victim (male underage sex assault victims have long term problems with drug and alcohol abuse and problems with relationships), she has also ruined the lives of her own family. As conditions of her bail, she is not allowed within 100 feet of any minor, including her own children. Here is a picture of her family before, we can hope, she became the huge child molesting whore she is today.

Teachers are portrayed as saints by the left in this country. Fact is they are lousy civil servants, and when teachers realize it they start preying on the children they are supposed to be protecting.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “Reason 22 to HomeSchool: Aspiring Principal Won’t Bang Your 16 Year-Old in a Car

  • It is usually REPUBLICANS who have sex with underage individuals, or same sex individuals. Why pretend this is a pattern for “the left?” Oh, I know, you’re a right wing loon.

  • Dana

    The contributing to delinquency is because she also fed vodka and sprite to the child before molesting him? That’s more than what I’ve ever think that somebody could do to a child! Impressive story

  • John Burns

    You guys should read up on Merideth Johnson Vincent. Homeschooling doesn’t protect students.

  • Oldbenkenobi

    Mental illness is a pandemic in the leftoid community. All degenerate carnival folk… but they are unaware of their psychosis.

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