
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


What did Jared Loughner and Pentagon Shooter Have in Common?

Remember the nutjob J Patrick Bedell, who back in March of 2010, drove his POS green Toyota cross country to attempt to shoot his way into the Pentagon? What did he have in common with the Arizona shooter Jared Loughner? Both were addicted to marijuana.

Forget that both were whackjobs and leftists- Bedell was a firm believer in a 9/11 coverup and Loughner thought that the government was conspiring to keep him out of school. But both abused marijuana for many years and family and friends knew about the pot use. Should people prone to paranoia and schizophrenia smoke so much dope? Absolutely not.

I wrote back in 2007 that some doctors performing brain research discontinued their work because they thought giving THC to some mental health patients would be so completely unethical because the effects were so pronounced.

In another study scientists found that marijuana worsens psychotic symptoms of schizophrenics.

While D’Souza had intended to study marijuana’s impact on schizophrenics in more patients, the study was stopped prematurely because the impact was so pronounced that it would have been unethical to test it on more people with schizophrenia.

In other words, marijuana is debilitating to some people and will trigger psychotic events. A lot of people are dead due to stoners and their paranoia, but you won’t hear any liberals talk about that.

Here is a news post about the study.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

5 thoughts on “What did Jared Loughner and Pentagon Shooter Have in Common?

  • This might have something to do with it, but there’s also a report that he suffered from alcohol poisoning a few years ago. That might be the main cause of this, as he might have suffered some significant brain damage because of it.

  • I thought you had more sense than to believe this propaganda. This is nonsense, and the research was obviously inconclusive so they ‘stopped the study prematurely’.

    I would like somebody cite one criminal case(other than cultivation or distribution) where marijuana was listed as the principle cause as you would with crack,meth, or heroine, or PCP.

  • cvframer,
    Its not propaganda. And the study was being performed on schizophrenic people and because of the observed- medically documented results- that the reaction was so profound and destructive the study had to ethically be discontinued.

    CVFramer, do your own googling to find your case history. Its out there. And don’t forget all the border murders going on right now over marijuana, but that’s not what this post is about.

    Not everyone reacts this way to pot. Just those that are schizoid anyways. I’ve listed two known cases where schizoid murderers were addicted to pot. There are likely scores of others.

  • “… you won’t hear any liberals talk about that”

    All other parts of this essay, whatever their validity, destroyed with that self-discrediting swipe.

  • And as a liberal, any mention that pot causes physiological and psychological trauma, they react just like Ann Marie Gregory did- fingers in ears; call people liars. It doesn’t change reality.

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