
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Gay Black Man Murders Two on Live TV

Vester Lee Flanagan, an unemployed aggrieved gay black man who hated white people almost as much as he hated himself, tracked down members of his old news crew and murdered them live on the air while they interviewed business leaders from Virginia’s Smith Mountain Lake.


From Fox here:

The suspect – whose legal name is Vester Lee Flanagan – named the Charleston church shooting as the reason for today’s murders, revealing that he bought a gun just two days after the Charleston attack. He also claimed that the bullets he used today had the Charleston shooting victims’ initials on them.

The suspect, who said he was a gay, black man, claimed in the alleged manifesto that he has experienced racial discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying at work from both black men and white females.

He allegedly wrote, “The church shooting was the tipping point…but my anger has been building steadily…I’ve been a human powder keg for a while…just waiting to go BOOM!!!!”.

ABC News reported:

Later in the manifesto, the writer quotes the Virginia Tech mass killer, Seung Hui Cho, and calls him “his boy,” and expresses admiration for the Columbine High School killers. “Also, I was influenced by Seung–Hui Cho. That’s my boy right there. He got NEARLY double the amount thatEric Harris and Dylann Klebold got…just sayin’.

In an often rambling letter to the authorities, and family and friends, he writes of a long list of grievances. In one part of the document, Williams calls it a “Suicide Note for Friends and Family”.

So this piece of shit worshiped mass killers, and he was an all-around asshole to his coworkers which led to them canning him. So as a good Democrat, he did what came naturally next- he filed a lawsuit via the EEOC for discrimination. The government said, “No, you’re an asshole who deserved to be fired.” Denied his pile of cash for a participation trophy in life, he moved straight to the final solution- murdering good people before finally turning his weapon on himself. I’m very happy he’s dead.

Can the next racist asshole just write his manifesto and commit suicide without shooting people?

And there’s this:

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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