
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Smell of Sweaty Jocks Makes You Homophobic or Something

Some researchers from an Arkansas school found that people become anti-gay bigots if they smell stinky sweaty guy odors.


From the DailyMail here:

Smells can influence our views – and a particularly pungent one can increase our conservatism and even change our views on same sex marriage, it has been claimed.
In a new study, titled ‘Disgust and the Politics of Sex,’ researchers say that an odour really can change our mind – and even change our religious views.
The team tested a range of view on people both with and without exposing them to noxious fumes.

The researchers tested their theory with the use of a noxious smell.

The variable group was exposed to a stench caused by butyric acid, the smell found in rancid butter and sweat, that was placed on hidden cotton pads in the room.

‘The study showed that exposure to a disgusting odor increased endorsement of socially conservative attitudes related to sexuality,’ they wrote.
‘In particular, there was a strong and consistent link between induced disgust and less support for gay marriage.’

Now scientists are telling us that we shouldn’t use our judgement when it comes to smells because that is bigoted. They should have used the smell of a popular gay dating location like a dirty rest stop on a highway.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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