
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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College Kid in Denver Eats Pot Cookie; Supermans Off Hotel Balcony

A 19 year old man ate a single pot cookie which caused an overdose and psychotic episode. He trashed his hotel room and then leaped to his death off a 4th floor hotel balcony. The single cookie was potent enough to dose 6 adults. But hey, pot never hurts anyone.

From CBS here:

A college student who jumped to his death from a hotel balcony ate more than six times the recommended amount of a marijuana cookie.
The police report on Levi Pongi’s death states it was likely the first time the 19-year-old had ever used marijuana. That coupled with the amount he ate could have caused a kind of psychosis.

The coroner ruled marijuana intoxication as a significant contributing factor to his death.
Pongi ate six servings of a marijuana edible cookie manufactured by Sweet Grass Kitchen.
His friends were interviewed by police and said as far as they knew Pongi had never tried marijuana before the night he died.

A toxicology report found Pongi had a THC level of 7.2 nanograms in his blood. The level Colorado considers to be marijuana intoxication is 5 nanograms.

When I was a kid, you could buy candy cigarettes. It was bubble gum- pretty cruddy bubble gum, but it was candy. But liberals got together and banned any advertising of cigarettes to children. They put the candy maker out of business and left Joe Camel dead in a dumpster. But now the same liberals think its just peachy to make what looks like a delicious cookie- something a child would eat- and they put so much pot in a single cookie that it can kill a grown man. But that’s okay to pot smoking liberals.

Why not put the drug in a pill form if you don’t want to smoke it? How can you be sure of the amount of dosage in a freaking baked good? I want to see this pot-laced cookie store sued out of oblivion.

Pongi came from the Congo to study in America. He dodged HIV, Dengue Fever, Malaria, murderous tyrants, Muslim Rebels- and he got killed by a freaking cookie. I can’t tell if this is sad or just lulzy.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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