
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


There Was No Security Built Into Healthcare.Gov

Security experts testified on Capitol Hill that the Obamacare website was designed with no security at all. The only way to protect personal information is to rebuild the site from scratch.


From CNBC here:

It could take a year to secure the risk of “high exposures” of personal information on the federal Obamacare online exchange, a cybersecurity expert told CNBC on Monday.
“When you develop a website, you develop it with security in mind. And it doesn’t appear to have happened this time,” said David Kennedy, a so-called “white hat” hacker who tests online security by breaching websites. He testified on Capitol Hill about the flaws of last week.

“It’s really hard to go back and fix the security around it because security wasn’t built into it,” said Kennedy, chief executive of TrustedSec. “We’re talking multiple months to over a year to at least address some of the critical-to-high exposures on the website itself.”

Another online security expert—who spoke at last week’s House hearing and then on CNBC—said the federal Obamacare website needs to be shut down and rebuilt from scratch. Morgan Wright, CEO of Crowd Sourced Investigations said: “There’s not a plan to fix this that meets the sniff test of being reasonable.”

All the poor slobs forced to buy insurance through this abortion of a website and federal program deserve to have their identities stolen for voting Obama into office in the first place. But are the identities of poor people worth much anyways?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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