
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

MoviesStupid People

Tom Cruise Claims Being a Millionaire Actor is as Tough As Fighting War in Afghanistan

Actors spend long hours on the set, and the schedules are often grueling. It’s hard to make 40 million dollars per movie, but you gotta do the time. And hey, if you spend over 100 days away from your wife and daughter, its just like being in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban, right? According to Tom Cruise, this is exactly the case.

From FoxNews here:

Tom Cruise has never been shy about expressing his beliefs, and in a recent deposition, the actor said he believed acting was as hard as fighting a war.

Cruise sat with lawyers to be deposed for his case against Bauer Publishing for stories two of its publications printed following his divorce from Katie Holmes, articles that stated he had “abandoned” his daughter Suri.

During the deposition, a lawyer questioned Cruise about remarks his camp had made equating his work and inability to see daughter Suri to fighting in Afghanistan.

“That’s what it feels like. And certainly on this last movie, it was brutal. It was brutal,” Cruise said, according to TMZ.

The deposition also revealed that Cruise did not see Suri for more than 100 days at one point following his split from Holmes, though he maintains that he spoke to her on the phone frequently and that the two have a close relationship.

The difference between filming Hollywood big budget flops and fighting for your country is that our soldiers are not multi-millionaires, and they often serve overseas for six months or more. Cruise could spend his money and get his daughter on location with him if he had wanted to. What a jackass.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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