
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


ObamaCare Already Spilling Privacy Data

Obamacare will be an infosec nightmare. In order to qualify for healthcare, your personal data will be sent through several Federal Agencies, each of which already have a pretty poor history of handling privacy data. I should know, I’ve seen and worked on all of their networks. But with so many fingers in the pie, keeping privacy data secure will become next to impossible. The Weekly Standard reveals that 2400 social security numbers have already been spilled.

A man holds a sign at the Tea Party Patriots 'Exempt America from Obamacare' rally on the west lawn of the U.S. Capitol in Washington

From TWS here:

With Obamacare’s massive Patient Data Hub poised to open soon, a sloppy mistake by an Obamacare employee hasn’t exactly inspired confidence that Americans’ private information will be closely guarded by Obamacare’s powers-that-be. An Obamacare exchange employee in Minnesota accidentally sent out an email containing 2,400 Americans’ Social Security numbers.

“A MNsure employee accidentally sent an e-mail file to an Apple Valley insurance broker’s office on Thursday that contained Social Security numbers, names, business addresses and other identifying information on more than 2,400 insurance agents.

“Users of the exchange will need to provide sensitive information, including Social Security numbers, that will be sent to a federal hub to verify such things as citizenship and household income….

…“‘[T]he gorilla in the room is that they sent me something that’s not even encrypted. It’s unsecured, on an Excel spreadsheet — which is using outdated technology to transfer that information in the first place.

Wow, they are not even operating with patient data yet and have already screwed over the insurance agents. Check out this graphic at Freedom Works that details all the people that will be playing with your privacy information, each of which I have personally seen misuse and misprotect PII data on their network.

The DOJ, SSA, DHS, HHS and IRS have each been involved with privacy breaches of public information. And now all of this is supposed to just work together. Egads.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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