
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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Liar Anthony Weiner Violated Campaign Laws

Anthony Weiner told a big lie when he said that hackers had broken into his twitter account and sent dick pix to women on the Internet. The lie was so big that he spent his own campaign cash to hire a private investigator to investigate this hacking when Weiner knew it was actually him that sent the pictures. Was this a violation of campaign laws?


From the NYDailyNews here:

n 2011, the Weiner campaign paid an investigations firm nearly $45,000 to find out who had “hacked” the congressman’s Twitter account and sent out racy photos, but it turned out the perp was Anthony Weiner himself.

Serial sexter Anthony Weiner paid a private eye nearly $45,000 in campaign cash to investigate his lie that a hacker posted a crotch shot on his Twitter feed, campaign spending records show.

Weiner’s brazen attempt to cover his tracks occurred shortly after Memorial Day weekend in 2011, when his first sexting scandal erupted and he went into furious spin control trying to save his career in Congress.

He maintained that he had been victimized — and promised an investigation to get to the bottom of how it happened.

“They’ll be looking into whether someone had my password,” he told CNN.

In Virginia, they are trying to drum Governor Bob McDonnell from office because someone stole cookies from the Mansion’s cookie jar. But when a Democrat misappropriates a year’s salary to cover up a sex scandal, Democrats and the press just yawns. What Weiner did was illegal and he should be investigated and tried for his crimes.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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