
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimefailGunsHumorStupid PeopleYou're Fired!

Shocker: Dalton Newhouse Fries Himself Shooting Down Electric Lines

Meet Dalton Newhouse. He’s a West Virginia Trailer-dwelling gun nut and loves to shoot anything with feathers or fur. He is such a great shot that he can even shoot down high tension power lines. His idea to shoot down power lines to sell the copper worked out about as well as you could imagine for this genius. Dalton went to those happy hunting grounds in the sky when he picked up the power line and ate 50,000 volts.


From the Charleston Gazette here:

22-year-old Dalton Newhouse of Oak Hill, and an accomplice, used a rifle to shoot down a high-tension power transmission line, police said. They planned to strip the line of its copper wiring and sell it.

When Newhouse picked up the wire, it killed him instantly, according to a news release. His accomplice was identified as Charles Raymond Norris, 22, of Oak Hill, who was arrested Wednesday.

Norris was charged with attempting to commit a felony, conspiracy to commit a felony and disruption of a public utility.

He was arraigned in Fayette County Magistrate Court, where he posted his own bail.

Appalachian Power spokesman Phil Moye said about 50 customers were without electricity for three hours. He called copper thefts a “tragedy” and urged would-be thieves to think twice.

Its a real shame if this idiot left family behind but he really got what he deserved. Man, this blog post just reminded me that I need to get batteries for my Blu-Ray remote.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

3 thoughts on “Shocker: Dalton Newhouse Fries Himself Shooting Down Electric Lines

  • another loser…he likes to hunt so glad he fried himself…how fitting!

  • my understanding is those lines are aluminum…which he probably knew and the stupid reporter didn’t

  • Thank You Leon, it was not a high-voltage line that touched him, it was a guideline and YES Dalton was smart enough to know a guideline has no copper in it…where the media like to take the story is unreal and the only info of what supposedly happened was from that of a pill head that he was trying to help get off of drugs… the same pill head that after seeing his friend killed then broke into his truck and stole his money…good friend huh… all you need to do is call the recycling company that Dalton took any scrap metal 2 and ask the owner if Dalton ever came in with any copper to scrap. Not only will JR tell you no but he would also tell you what kind of person Dalton was and that is not a copper thief… people that say that they are happy that someone is dead had better really make sure karma doesn’t come back n bite them in the a$$ one day… maybe you’ll pay attention to the news articles that come out after the grand jury tries the pill head for copper theft when he finally tells the truth about what happened…

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