
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Don’t Like the Second Amendment? Then Change It

I was talking to my friend down here in Key West about gun-grabbing liberals and the fact that they would rather name and shame people and bully them into giving up their constitutionally-protected firearms. But when it comes to actually changing the constitution, to outlaw guns, of which there is a way to do that, embedded in the constitution, you can’t find a single State House, or Congressman, or Senator that will put forth an amendment as proscribed.


The reason I bring this up is that Mississippi just banned slavery in their State by ratifying the 13th Amendment. It took them a while, but now its official. From the DailyMail here:

Mississippi has finally abolished slavery 148 years after the 13th Amendment was first passed by the Senate

Mississippi was the only state that had not officially voted in favour of the change.

A note on the US Constitution website said: ‘Mississippi ratified the amendment in 1995, but because the state never officially notified the US Archivist, the ratification is not official.’

The 13th Amendment required 27 of the then-36 states to give their approval after it had been passed by Congress.

The 27th state to vote in its favour was Georgia in December 1865. At the time, Mississippi rejected the 13th Amendment, alongside states such as Kentucky and Delaware.

The point is that it takes 3/4 of the states to approve seizing guns. Or two-thirds of both houses with states ratifying it. So liberals should stop naming, shaming and bullying and start lobbying and convincing people that their way is best and put it to a national vote. Until then, they should STFU, right?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Don’t Like the Second Amendment? Then Change It

  • Not that I would agree with amending or repealing the second amendment, at least the politicians should do it the proper way.

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