
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Barbarians Murdering Vaccine Workers

Nine medical professionals and volunteers have been murdered by muslims in Pakikstan for distributing the Polio vaccine to children. Many muslims believe that the Polio eradication efforts will make children sterile or will allow the US to create a DNA database of Pakistanis.


From FoxNews here:

At least nine health care workers in Pakistan have been murdered this week by militants who oppose the country’s polio vaccination program, which has now been suspended in the areas of the attacks.

The killing began in Karachi on Monday, when a supervisor of a polio vaccination team was killed. Four vaccine administrators, all women, were killed on Tuesday. On Wednesday, gunmen shot dead a female health worker and her driver in the town.

“Most of the polio workers were shot at point blank,” a Pakistani Intelligence officer said. “This is (a) typical style of Taliban.”

Militants suspect people working for the United Nations or non-governmental organizations that manage the vaccine programs are actually spies for the United States. Others mistakenly believe or spread the false claim that the polio vaccine will make children sterile.

Militants targeted the polio campaign last year after unverified reports surfaced that Dr. Shakil Afridi had helped the CIA run a fake polio campaign in the northwestern city of Abbottabad to gather DNA from the Bin Laden compound. The campaign was in fact for Hepatitis B, but militants still view the anti-polio vaccine as American poison.

Pakistan ranks second among the three countries where the polio threat still exists, ahead of Afghanistan and behind Nigeria. Efforts to eradicate polio in Pakistan have thus far proven beneficial, officials said, reducing the number of cases by 70 percent.

Shocker the top three countries where polio is still rampant are all Islamic-controlled. Science and enlightenment threatens Islamists’ hold on society.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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