
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreRoPStupid PeopleZombies

Happy Ashura Barbarians!

It is the 21st century, but that won’t stop the worshipers of the religion of Peace and Perpetual Outrage from flaying themselves violently in public in a disgusting and barbaric display of homage to a dead warlord.

From the DailyMail here:

Blood is seen on the floor of a mosque as Indian Shiite Muslims flagellate themselves during a holy procession.
Muslims all over the world pay their respects with the flowing of their blood as they mourn the slaying and martyrdom of Imam Hussein, the grandson of Prophet Mohammad.
He was killed by his political rivals along with 72 companions in the seventh century battle of Kerbala where some of the bodies of the dead were then mutilated.

This next photo looks like the freaking zombie apocalypse, but no, its just idiotic shirtless muslims. And yes, they do this to little kids too.

Know what’s funnier than muslims beating themselves up and cutting? Staph, HIV, and Hep C. Women aren’t allowed to participate in this except to clean up, which is exactly what they will do if they know what’s good for them.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Happy Ashura Barbarians!

  • Drew Blythe

    Actually, only some Shi’a observe Ashura this way, and i don’t know why. The Sunnis fast and have a peaceful observance with loved ones. What’s just as sad is the ignorance and labeling that happens in the world today. So much easier to criticize than get our facts straight.

  • Drew,
    what’s sadder? Muslims flaying the flesh off their bones in a ritualistic bloodletting, or someone pointing out that the ritual is barbaric? I think I have the facts straight. You seem to want to turn a blind eye. Why?

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