
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreCrimeYou're Fired!

Michigan Man Let Fattie Wife Die in Filth

The forty year old Yolanda Reese-Brooks pushed out several kids and then got so fat that she didn’t move anymore. Her husband, Michael Brooks, just let his fat wife to rot and die. She was found by rescuers close to death, and covered in maggots and human waste. Eeeeww.

From the DailyMail here:

A Michigan husband is facing abuse charges after allowing his 400-pound wife to die in bed surrounded by maggots and her own waste.

Fire crews wearing hazardous material suits had to remove Yolanda Reese-Brooks from her home such were the appalling conditions. The 40-year-old was found close to death with maggots crawling over her body and lying in her own waste having been unable to leave her bed for months.

She was taken to hospital where she died from morbid obesity and other injuries.
Her husband, Michael Brooks, has now been charged with abuse for failing to take care of her.

Brooks became his wife’s primary caretaker after she sustained a crushed pelvis and ruptured her bladder in a 2011 car accident. Brooks,37, told police he had allowed his wife to lie in her own waste for at least eight or nine days.

She died six days after being taken to hospital. Police said the home was uninhabitable and was infested with insects. They found no beds or mattresses for the children, twins aged two and an 11 year old and 13 year old.
The refrigerator was empty except for spoiled meat on the bottom shelf. The four children have been placed temporarily with the victim’s sister.

This family needed much more help than Michael was providing. Where were the foodstamps, the disability checks and the furnishings for the kids? Brooks was definitely failed by the system, and he let his wife rot and die and stopped caring for the kids. What a scumbag.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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