
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarregayHumorStupid People

Tranny’s Years Spent As Woman Leaves Bad Taste in His Mouth

Meet Gary Norton. Two dozen years ago he thought it would be great to ditch his wife and kids and wear frilly dresses and blow a bunch of guys. He even went as far as to get his male genitalia chopped off. Now he’s 75 and realizes that it was all a horrible mistake and wants his junk back. He’s trying to get the NHS in the UK to agree to a sex change operation.

From TheSun here:

RAF veteran Gary Norton — now 75 — moaned: “I now realise inside I’m a red-blooded man and always have been. “I want a physical relationship with a woman but I’ve got no equipment — it all went in the op. It’s one heck of a mistake to make.”

The father of four, who changed his name to Gillian after his wife and kids disowned him, tried dating fellas but said he never fancied them.

He has now quit taking the female hormones that stopped his beard growing — and is on a waiting list to have the breasts the drugs gave him removed. Gary, of Coventry, is pleading with local health chiefs to go the whole hog and fund a full gender reversal op. They have refused.

“I bought bikinis and nice dresses, spent time on my hair and make-up and always had lovely manicured nails.
“But the operation essentially left me a lesbian.” Despite joining a ladies’ yoga class and even modelling bikinis in a fashion show, he said: “My life’s a nightmare.”

He said: “The sex change was the biggest mistake of my life — and I’m lonely. “I date women but once they find out I have a female body it always ends.”

What a dumbass. A lifetime spent selfishly pursuing his own perversions and wrecking his own family and likely others- and now all he can still think about is getting his rocks off, even at 75. And to demand that taxpayers finance his lechery? Nice to know NHS said no.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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