
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeStupid People

Medical Marijuana Leads to Spike in Animal Cruelty

Stoners in Colorado falsely say that marijuana can treat their imaginary medical symptoms. So they buy dope, including pot-laced baked goods. They smoke at home, blow smoke in their pets’ faces, and feed the laced foods to the animals for giggles. And in some cases, they are killing their pets.

From Yahoo here:

Colorado veterinarians have a message for medical marijuana users: Don’t get your dog stoned. Marijuana is toxic in a dog’s system, they say, and has even resulted in some canine deaths.
“There are huge spikes in the frequency of marijuana ingestion in places where it’s become legal,” veterinarian Dr. Debbie Van Pelt told local CBS affiliate WTSP. “They basically have lost a lot of their fine motor control, they have a wide-based stance and they are not sure on their feet.”

Before medical marijuana was legalized in Colorado, local vets say they saw only a handful of cases of dogs exposed to the substance per year. But now, those numbers have more than quadrupled.
The vets say most of the dogs are getting high from medical marijuana edibles left out in the open by their owners. Marijuana edibles are cookies, brownies and other foods prepared with a butter laced with THC, the psychoactive ingredient in pot.

And while some pet owners may think it’s funny to get their dogs high, the vets say pot is actually toxic to a dog’s system. Cats are similarly vulnerable to negative effects from inhaling second-hand marijuana smoke or eating edibles. Cat experts say many owners inaccurately believe that marijuana will have a similar effect on their cats as catnip.

In fact, Dr. Meola said that two dogs recently died after ingesting a lethal amount of marijuana. Such deaths are rare, but even in cases in which a dog’s life is not threatened, the dog may still be subjected to painful symptoms, including vomiting and even comas.

Aren’t pot smoking hippies supposed to be the most in touch with animal feelings? Doesn’t their homeopathic remedies make them enlightened?

Or are they just stupid stoners?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

2 thoughts on “Medical Marijuana Leads to Spike in Animal Cruelty

  • aaron miller

    Hey guys i just wanted to say that you have pissed me off royalty with these lies you need to get studies from non government paid scientists you dumb shits i can attest to cannabis not harmful to animals it being a plant and having witnessed my dog stealing large amounts of weed and ingesting it it is harmless to them…. just watch the dog food

  • And in other news, pothead Aaron Miller of Rhode Island is an avid pot smoker who feeds dope to animals.

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