
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Choom Brother: George Obama Drug-Addled Loser

George Obama, Barack Obama’s brother, is living in a dirt-poor slum in Kenya, alternatively capitalizing on his brother’s name to score drugs and using the name to disparage Barack. And it looks like the DailyMail bought the drug-addled George Obama a nice shirt for a photo shoot.

From the DailyMail here:

Heading for breakfast through his junk-strewn yard, stepping over streams of sewage, the appearance of this slim, angular man prompts giggles and pointing from children in rags playing in the muck.

The man’s name is George Hussein Obama and his half-brother is Barack Hussein Obama, Kenya’s most famous son, the first black President of the U.S. and the most powerful man in the world.

The two men may share the same father, but while Barack Obama was born in Hawaii to his father’s American second wife, George — born in Kenya — was the product of Obama Senior’s fourth marriage.

Today, while Barack entertains at the White House, flies aboard Air Force One and is a friend of film stars and royalty, George, 30, is to be found slumped in his corrugated iron shack which even fellow slum-dwellers regard as a hovel.

George Hussein Obama George now spends his time drinking what locals call Chang’aa — a spirit distilled with maize and spiked with chemicals — from the moment he wakes to the moment he slips into unconsciousness. Laced with ethanol, embalming fluid or battery acid to give it more kick, this substance is regularly blamed for causing blindness and death when the criminal syndicates behind the trade mix it wrongly. A glass costs about 10p and, after just five small shots, even hardened drinkers can barely remember their own name. Regular users suffer liver and kidney failure, as well as mental impairment known as ‘wet brain’.

Indeed, standing — let alone talking much sense or walking in a straight line — is tricky for the U.S. President’s brother much of the time, due to his chronic addiction to drink and years of drug abuse. His principal reason is that the potent local moonshine is cheap and readily available here, as is cocaine, heroin and marijuana.

George Hussein Obama says that his last name is a curse, but members of his community say that he trades on it shamelessly for alcohol and food

The reporter invited George to lunch at his hotel. “For the next two days, he lays siege to my mini-bar, invites a succession of girlfriends and ‘security advisers’ to wine and dine at my expense, and behaves like he is a famous, spoilt celebrity.

‘People are only interested in me because of my brother,’ he sighs, slurping a double Johnnie Walker, with a beer chaser — one of many. ‘I hate it. People all want me to be someone else.’

Of course, the press was all over George Obama because he appears in a movie that is critical of Barack Obama, and the press thinks that painting George as a severe alcoholic and addict, which I have no doubt that he is, would discredit his role in the movie. In my mind, it simply paints a family history of dangerous addiction- Obama’s Dad knocked up a white woman, Barack Obama’s mom, and then married her illegally since he was already married to a woman in Kenya. He later died in a fiery car crash because he was drunk off his ass.

Obama went on to famously run his Choom gang in Hawaii and George Obama drinks radiator cleaner in Kenya. See the pattern?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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