
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeCyberfailHumorStupid People

Stabbed in the Chest by a WoW Nerd

Jordan Osborne heard a commotion at his neighbor’s house so he went next door to break up a fight. His nerd neighbor was in a rage over World of Warcraft and stabbed Osborne in the chest.

From Canoe.Ca here:

A man enraged over the online videogame World of Warcraft stabbed a neighbour in the chest sending him to hospital.

Justin Osborne said he was stabbed when he went to his neighbour’s Peterborough, Ont., apartment on Wednesday after hearing an argument.

“I was telling him, there is no need for you to be freaking out about World of Warcraft. It’s just a game,” Osborne said, while his neighbour fought with a friend who was visiting and some other players over his headset. “He said, ‘It’s not just a game, it’s my life.’”

That’s when the man grabbed his throat, punched him in the face and stabbed him in the chest, Osborne said.

Justin Williams, 21, is charged him with aggravated assault and assault with a weapon, police said.

If you let a fat WoW nerd slap you around and stab you, what does that say about your reflexes?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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