
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


I Want a Roller Skating Baboon!

The UK’s Sun newsrag has their panties in a twist over a North Korean circus act in which monkeys and bears rollerskate to the applause of Norkie soldiers.

From the Sun here:

“There’s nothing funny about tearing primates away from their protective mothers shortly after birth and forcing them to perform silly tricks. These highly social animals suffer from debilitating loneliness and depression when isolated from other monkeys. Many retaliate and are known to bite people and attempt to escape at any given chance.

“Many bear cubs taken from the wild die before the training begins because of the stress of capture, the gruelling transportation conditions, starvation, dehydration and rough handling. The ones who survive have the tops of their muzzles pierced with hot needles and a rope threaded through the holes — they are then forced to stand on their hind legs and perform under threat of punishment.

Whatever dudes. Those animals don’t look like they are hungry or mistreated, and those baboons can really skate!

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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