
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Dan Savage Will Fly to San Diego to Jack It

Dan Savage, the gay founder of the “It Gets Better” Project is himself just a bully, and he proved it recently at a convention by calling people who objected to his slander of the bible “pansies.” Over 100 students walked out of his keynote address to the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention. Savage pointed them out, singled them out, called them names, and invited others to mock them as well.

From Foxnews here:

As many as 100 high school students walked out of a national journalism conference after an anti-bullying speaker began cursing, attacked the Bible and called those who refused to listen to his rant “pansy asses.”

The speaker was Dan Savage, founder of the “It Gets Better” project, an anti-bullying campaign that has reached more than 40 million viewers with contributors ranging from President Obama to Hollywood stars. Savage also writes a sex advice column called “Savage Love.”

Savage, and his husband, were also guests at the White House for President Obama’s 2011 LGBT Pride Month reception. He was also invited to a White House anti-bullying conference.

Savage was supposed to be delivering a speech about anti-bullying at the National High School Journalism Conference sponsored by the Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association. But it turned into an episode of Christian-bashing.

Rick Tuttle, the journalism advisor for Sutter Union High School in California, was among several thousand people in the audience. He said they thought the speech was one thing – but it turned into something else.
“I thought this would be about anti-bullying,” Tuttle told Fox news. “It turned into a pointed attack on Christian beliefs.”

Tuttle said a number of his students were offended by Savage’s remarks – and some decided to leave the auditorium. “It became hostile,” he said. “It felt hostile as we were sitting in the audience – especially towards Christians who espouse beliefs that he was literally taking on.”

Tuttle said the speech was laced with vulgarities and “sexual innuendo not appropriate for this age group.” At one point, he said Savage told the teenagers about how good his partner looked in a speedo.

And for some of his students – they felt like the anti-bullying activist was in fact – the bully.

“The first thing he told the audience was, ‘I hope you’re all using birth control,’” she told CitizenLink. “he said there are people using the Bible as an excuse for gay bullying, because it says in Leviticus and Romans that being gay is wrong. Right after that, he said we can ignore all the (expletive deleted) in the Bible.”
As the teenagers were walking out, Tuttle said that Savage heckled them and called them “pansy asses.

“Using profanity to deride the bible – and then mocking the Christian students after they left the room — is obviously a form of bullying and name-calling,” she wrote.

Savage thought he was going to be speaking to all like-minded lefties and he demanded uniformity in liberal groupthink. And as always, people that disagree with a leftist’s agenda are browbeaten, bullied and marginalized. So Dan Savage should get a ticket to San Diego where he can jack it right alongside Jason Russell.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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