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Keepin’ It Real: Rap Video Ends in Gunshots and Some Dude’s Head Run Over

Ah, the city of Brotherly Love. In Philly last night, some delinquent was shooting a rap video that attracted all kids of hood rats and thugs. Of course things got out of hand and someone just had to pop a cap in someone’s ass. When panic ensued, somebody fell on the street and had his freakin’ head run over by a car that may or may not have had spinner rims.

From ABC here:

Police are investigating the death of a man during the filming of an amateur rap video in the Olney section of Philadelphia.

There was a crowd so large at the corner of 5th Street and Tabor Road during the rap video taping, undercover Philadelphia police officers were watching over it.

Investigators say more than 100 people were gathered for the recording of an amateur rap video around 7:00 p.m. when someone fired the shots.

“The scene initially was very hectic. Once shots were fired, you’ve got a crowd of a 100 people., they flee in every direction,” Philadelphia Police Chief Inspector Scott Small said.

In the melee, a car accidentally ran over the head of a man who had fallen. He was transported to Albert Einstein Medical Center where he was pronounced dead.

Gruesome. How does a music genre that exists off of stolen sampled tracks from real musicians end up getting so many people killed? That shooter? Same guy who killed Biggie I bet.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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