
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


The Real War on Women

Crazy leftists like Cher are on twitter accusing Republicans of “waging war on women” because nobody wants to subsidize birthcontrol giveaways. Meanwhile the real war on women is taking place in Afghanistan where child brides are setting themselves on fire to escape a hellish life on Earth.

From Rawa here:

Afghanistan’s teen brides who set themselves alight

…dozens of girls like Aatifa in Afghanistan’s sophisticated but conservative main western city of Herat are choosing a brutal form of escape by setting themselves on fire

Flayed by a fire she began herself, Aatifa’s childlike frame is painstakingly wrapped in thick bandages — her shrieks of “Allah” echoing around the hospital ward where surgeons prepare to graft skin back on to her skeletal torso.

Married at the age of 14, the young carpet-weaver, who has nine brothers and sisters, said her mother-in-law criticised her housework and encouraged her mechanic husband to beat her for allowing her mother to visit too often.

She complained to authorities but was berated for causing trouble. Later told that her husband hated her and would marry a second woman, she swung between anger and depression before carrying out her masochistic deed.

Aatifa poured petrol over her head and, once outside her home, lit the flames that engulfed two thirds of her body.

Islam is just fine with marrying off little girls and then torturing them until they attempt suicide. This is the real war on women, not the hysterical ranting of leftists in modern America over birth control pill giveaways.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “The Real War on Women

  • Right you are, Pat. It is appallingly obvious that these harping feminists don’t care about women, it’s about politics and getting government to force private companies to provide for free, things on their behalf in the sacred name of “womens’ health”. Good grief!

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