
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeWhy Homeschool?

Reason 592 to HomeSchool: Special Ed Teacher Won’t Have Two Year Affair With Your Kid

Christine Powell worked as a Special Ed Teacher so she could take advantage of troubled young teens. One boy, in only the 8th grade, received her special attention, getting busted by colleagues making out with the child. At one point she would drive he and his delinquent friends around in her car and give them get out of class free cards, and let them swim in her pool. Mom finally got a clue that her kid’s teacher was a predator when she found Powell’s underwear under his bed.

From the DailyMail here:

A teacher arrested for having sex with a 16-year-old student was busted when the boy’s mother found her underwear under his bed. Christine Powell, 39, from Middletown, Connecticut, had a two-year relationship with the boy, whom she taught at two schools.

The mother-of-two, who is currently going through a divorce, is also sent the boy naked pictures from her cell phone.

The pair met when she taught him in a special education program at Woodrow Wilson Middle School. She continued to tutor him after he started at Middletown High School, before moving there herself in 2011.

The boy began babysitting her children in 2010. She would drive the boy and his friends around and signed them passes to be late for class.

One colleague visited Powell’s house and found the student and a friend in her pool, while Powell answered the door ‘wearing only a bikini’. Another colleague claimed Powell had locked her classroom door. When she unlocked it, he found Powell alone with the student and they ‘scrambled away‘ from each other on seeing her enter the room.

Eventually, in November 2011, the student’s mother informed police that she was worried her son was having a sexual relationship with Powell. She had found the woman’s Victoria Secret underwear and a class ring with her name on it under her son’s mattress.

When police confronted Powell, she admitted the underwear was hers. They asked if they would find any naked pictures on her iPhone that she sent the boy. ‘She nodded her head and quietly said yes,’. ‘I asked her if it was because they were having sex together, and she said yes. She started to cry and said she was losing her job and going to jail.’

Powell appeared in court on Wednesday and pleaded not guilty to second-degree sexual assault.

This child predator should never gain custody of her children. And how is she not charged with way more than second degree sex assault? And how do you plea not guilty when you confess to a cop? How are the other teachers, who knew something sick was going on allow this to continue? Why no charges against them for failing to report their suspicions?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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