
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionfailPoliticsracismStupid People

Son of Racist Senator Says Civil Rights Bigots Were No More Harmful than Global Warming Skeptics

Al Gore has opened his mouth again, and as usual, he is calling people racists, and equating bigotry, where people turned dogs and firehouses on black people to telling a friend that “Nah, that Global Warming stuff is probably bullshit.”

Al Gore’s Dad attempted to block the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Democrats founded the racist domestic terror organization of the KKK to scare blacks away from voting Republican, and that has worked pretty well. Now Al Gore is saying that if you tell someone that Global Warming is BS then you have just turned a firehose on a black baby or something.

From the DailyCaller here:

One day climate change skeptics will be seen in the same negative light as racists, or so says former Vice President Al Gore.

“I remember, again going back to my early years in the South, when the Civil Rights revolution was unfolding, there were two things that really made an impression on me,” Gore said. “My generation watched Bull Connor turning the hose on civil rights demonstrators (Bull Connor was a Democrat) and we went, ‘Whoa! How gross and evil is that?’ My generation asked old people, ‘Explain to me again why it is okay to discriminate against people because their skin color is different?’ And when they couldn’t really answer that question with integrity, the change really started.”

The former vice president recalled how society succeeded in marginalizing racists and said climate change skeptics must be defeated in the same manner.

The same scientists that said we were all doomed this past weekend because of a giant Thunderstorm are the same dolts that are screaming about Global Warming. Think about the hysteria that so many people felt about Hurricane Irene. Fear was ginned up and fanned to the point that many Americans denuded the grocery stores of bottled water and other goods. I have seen thunderstorms roll through my neighborhood any summer evening with more power than Irene possessed. So Al Gore can kiss my ass if he expects me to blindly believe anything that anyone in the field of meteorology says- they deal with actual live data and get it wrong! Much less would I believe scientists in leftist universities who push the proposal that we eliminate energy to combat a problem that doesn’t seem to exist- using data that they have to make up because our hard scientific data can only be measured in the past 120 years accurately. And the Global Warming Scientists have been caught faking their data in the past.

No, I’m a skeptic, and proud of it.

Al Gore’s Dad applauded Bull Connor’s actions, and Al Gore probably tells racist jokes while he snorts coke off the asses of hotel massage therapists.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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