
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimefailStupid PeopleWhy Homeschool?

Reason 509 to Homeschool: Your Failing Child Won’t Go to a Vo-Tech School Where Teachers and Principal Smoke Meth

So you screwed up and didn’t get your kid homeschooled from the beginning? Now he is smoking weed between classes and has all but flunked out of the county schools. His only hope is to learn how to sand rust off of fenders at the Vo-Tech academy across the tracks. Well even that might not be too helpful if the teacher and principal are smoking meth while on the job. Or do they earn credits for dealing with tweakers? Its been a while since I put one of MontanaMetProject’s vids on the site. So here it is:

From Fox here:

A West Virginia public vocational school has been shut down indefinitely after traces of methamphetamine were found throughout the building during an investigation of the principal and a teacher.

The teacher admitted he smoked meth with the principal in the principal’s office.

Teacher Jack Turley faces charges of manufacturing meth and procuring Sudafed for making meth. Principal Keith Phipps faces charges of purchasing over the legal limit of Sudafed.

With so much of the public schools failing, its really sad that the only school where any real world skills are taught gets closed because the teachers are drug addicts and failures at life.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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