
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

failYou're Fired!

My Hotdogs Taste Like Raper

Fat guy named “Raper” fell into a hotdog making sausage grinder. And in the newscast about it, his would-be aunt-in-law waxes philosophical about how bad that must have hurt.


From KFOR here:

Sausage factory worker killed in meat grinder

“He slipped and went into the machine. He was still conscious at the time,” Ferris said. “So I can imagine the agony he was in, and he lost both of his legs in this accident.”

You will recall that I wrote at one point about a Mexican giving his all to make the perfect tortilla. And this whole sausage grinder surfing gig is more popular than you can imagine. Back in February a 72 year old Mexican man forgot to turn off his sausage grinder before he tried to clean it.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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