
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Midnight Music: Mooncup – “Love Your Vagina”

Okay, this is actually a commercial for some type of silicon device that women are supposed to use to replace feminine napkins and tampons. Why? Who the hell can explain? Something about making the earth greener or something stupid like that, which makes no sense since most feminine products are all natural cotton already. The device? Its a little cup. Ladies, the website doesn’t say what happens to your menses when you use this. Maybe you can explain in the comments below. Anyways, here’s the song. The song is more pleasant than the paragraph I just finished typing.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “Midnight Music: Mooncup – “Love Your Vagina”

  • Super sonic rocket socket… H I L A R I O U S !!!!!!!

  • Mooncup doesnt leek , doesnt cause infections, is compfier then tampons and you can play sports with it… you only need one so you save money, no box of pads to throw out every month… Its made of surgical silicon so it doesnt grow bacteria, so its far more sanitary then a tampon, the small cup collects the blood, you take it out and dump it, then put it back in. Clean it when your periods over and use it again…. honestly you dont even notice its there. and you can wear thongs during your period without worry!

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