
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

failStupid People

Aging Baby Boomers Throw Fit Over Jailtime for Home Growing

Meet typical babyboomer bleeding hearts Sherri and Gary Burton. Sherri gets cancer and is being treated at taxpayer expense with the best drugs our tax dollars can buy, but she encourages her aged hippie husband to keep tending his illegal grow operation because that is what “helps her sleep at night” despite those fancy expensive taxpayer drugs. Now that her husband is jailed for breaking laws that they knew were on the books to treat a disease Sherri knew she was suffering from, she is refusing to go to surgery to cure her from that disease. I say: Don’t let the casket hit you on the noggin stupid.

If you aren’t serious about treating your disease, don’t take the prescription drugs. If you want to be a martyr for the pro pot legalization cause, go ahead and die and see if real sober voters will legalize the poison you promote. That’s a gamble that makes me giggle like a stoner.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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