
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Foursquare Rapture Survivor

Foursquare Rapture Survivor, originally uploaded by BelchSpeak.

Foursquare was awarding points Sunday for your first check-in if you survived the rapture.

I didn’t talk much about all of the hoopla surrounding the crazies that thought the rapture was going to happen Saturday. While it did get lots of play in the press, those folks were essentially harmless. A whacky belief, yes, but it was their own belief and they didn’t try to force anything on anyone.

Wiccans push their stupid beliefs on other people and the eco-religionists try to force people to drive a Prius and buy corkscrewy lightbulbs. Vegans try to force you to stop eating cheeseburgers and believers in eastern religions go around telling people “namaste” and stinking of incense. And of course Muslims are just murderous intolerant animals.

So the rapture gang? Totally harmless. Its the other religions you have to watch out for.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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