
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CyberPoliticsStupid PeopleTravel

Blogger Bob is as Fat and Smug as You’d Expect

A cheap JC Penny suit and bad combover completes the picture of the mouthpiece of TSA, or as I call him, Chief Retard. His real name is Curtis Robert Burns, AKA TSA’s Blogger Bob, and he is a professional hired troll of the TSA. He smiles because he hates you.

From CNET here:

The Transportation Security Administration appears to have pulled off an Internet first: hiring the U.S. government’s most controversial spokesblogger.

All federal agencies have spokesmen. Some have blogs. But it’s the pseudonymous Blogger Bob who, more than anyone else, has come to represent the online voice and personality of his employer–not always with entirely successful results.

Internet fact checkers have accused Blogger Bob of eliding relevant facts about disputes involving the TSA. A column noted that Blogger Bob had curbed critical comments (and then subsequently permitted them). Reason Magazine has dubbed Blogger Bob someone who’s paid to “mock people harassed by TSA.”

Whenever a TSA agent fondles a child or a woman or an elderly person, its Bob’s cherished duty to protect the members of his retarded gestapo clan.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Blogger Bob is as Fat and Smug as You’d Expect

  • We’ve had Bloghdad Bob’s number for quite some time over at Travel Underground. The only person in the country more reviled is his boss John Pistole.

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