
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

CrimeStupid PeopleWhy Homeschool?

Reason 356 to HomeSchool: Bully Won’t Beat Your Child While UnionMember Teachers Passively Watches

When I went to school teachers kept the peace. Whenever someone got rowdy, the male teachers would intervene immediately, separating anyone trying to fight. Now teachers just stand there and let violence happen. And when it does, the school system trots out the fattest sow that dines on the trough of public funding to explain that teachers aren’t allowed to touch a child, except when they want to rape one of them.

Video: Teacher Watches as Students Fight:

The teacher would not be suspended, but if so, you can bank he would still get paid. There have been more than 20 instances of teachers raping or having sexual contact with students in Dallas in the past few years. Teachers have no problems touching students with their sex organs, but to step in and break up a fight? Aww Hell Naww!
Thanks to HotAir for the story.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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