
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

AfricaStupid Peoplewitches

Albino Rapage for Curez and Lulz

Tanzanian natives are still butchering Albinos and raping them in order to obtain magical powers, HIV/AIDS cures and bonus lives.

From Reuters here:

Hundreds of albinos are thought to have been killed for black magic purposes in Tanzania and albino girls are being raped because of a belief they offer a cure for AIDS. At least 63 albinos, including children, are known to have been killed, mostly in the remote northwest of the country.

Around 1.4 million Tanzanians among a population of 40.7 million have the HIV virus that leads to AIDS. Albino hunters kill their victims and harvest their blood, hair, genitals and other body parts for potions that witchdoctors say bring luck in love, life and business.

Activists last week reported three murders of teenage albino boys from the same family in northern Tanzania, who were poisoned and their bones later robbed from their graves.

Liberals love to say that indigenous cultures are pure, more connected with nature and have a higher moral value than our modern consumer lifestyles. Well, here is one AIDS riddled indigenous culture for them. Not only do they rape and butcher albino africans, they also rape virgins for a stupid belief that they can be cured of sexually transmitted diseases. Just across the border in the Congo, this same culture also rapes pygmies, a whole other race of people, because they think it gives them magic powers.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Albino Rapage for Curez and Lulz

  • You mean… PYGMIES DON’T HAVE MAGICAL POWERS?!?! BS! What’s the next post gonna be?!?! That leprechauns don’t hide their gold at the end of a rainbow? I bet you don’t think Lucky Charms are magically delicious either do you?!?!?!

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