
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Tribunals for Enemy Combatants Who Kill Soldiers? No! For Hurt Feelings? Yes!

This is why I can’t take any Canadian seriously. They allow tribunals to exist that limit free speech and take property from their citizens without the benefit of due process and a real court of law. Two lesbians went out for dinner and a comedy show and got their feelings hurt when a man on stage made fun of their mullets, fat guts, lack of hygiene and their poor decision making skills in life. A kangaroo court called the “Human Rights Tribunal” fined the comedian and the restaurant owner.

From FoxNews here:

A Canadian comic has been ordered to pay CA$15,000 (US$15,745) to a woman he taunted along with her same-sex partner during a show in a Vancouver restaurant three years ago.

Stand-up comedian Guy Earl was ordered to pay the money to Lorna Pardy, 32, while the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal also ordered the Vancouver restaurant owner, Salam Ishmail, to pay her $7,500.

Pardy said Earle directed homophobic and sexist insults at her when she was a patron, and he was the master of ceremonies at an open mic comedy show at the restaurant in 2007.

Tribunal member Murray Geiger-Adams said Earle repeated vulgar language in public and attacked Pardy’s identity and dignity as a woman and a lesbian and ordered the payment for lost wages and for injury to dignity, feelings and self respect.

If Canadians allow this type of travesty to continue then they prove to be the cowards they appear to be, and can forever suffer the indignity of living in the shadow of Mighty America.

Lorna Pardy is a bitter, unattractive woman who hates men for whatever reason. And she will simply punish herself by never knowing the life benefits of partnering with a man and producing a family. She has a right to her bitterness and her lack of hygiene. But likewise, others have a right to speak the truth about that in public, even as a joke. And she certainly has no right to suppress the free speech for an entire country just because she doesn’t like certain words as they rightly describe her and her lifestyle.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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