
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Earth Day Once Likened to a Rain Dance

Newsweek wrote about the original Earth Day in 1970 and compared it to a national rain dance. That of course, is preposterous, since only Indians did rain dances, and even then, the most famous Indian, “Iron Eyes” Cody, who starred in a commercial about litter, was a fake Indian. Indians don’t exist anymore. They rode the last unicorn down the golden brick road a long time ago.

Below is a screenshot from the original Newsweek article found here.

The fake Indian crying about someone wasting McDonalds fast food is below.

And by the way, anyone else notice that Earth Day has replaced Good Friday this year? Of course liberals think this is a good thing and may decide to move it to Good Friday every year.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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