
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Meg Ryan and John Cougar? Zombie Apocalypse is Here!

I was in the checkout line at my Grocery Store today and was alerted to the important fact that John cougar is both still alive and currently sticking it to Meg Ryan, who used to be America’s Sweetheart.

Meg was to busy making crappy movies to have a baby on her own so she snagged a Chinese baby with a net on loan to her by Bradgelina.

When I saw that photo I got out of line, and at first pitied the town who lost their drive in movie screen when John’s fivehead (its a forehead when it can fit under a hat) left town, and then stocked up on Twinkies, out of fear that when the obvious Zombie Apocalypse arrives, there will not be enough spongecake to attract a sharpshooter like Tallahassee.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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