
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

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Elizabeth Edwards’ Corpse Finally Cools. John Announces Engagement

The model democrat John Edwards waited until his wife’s corpse cooled to room temperature and has rushed into the Valentines Day season early with his romantic announcement that he and Rielle Hunter, the skanky mother of John’s love child can be married.

Ain’t love grand? And Rielle Hunter is insisting that John’s remaining kids call her Mom. The lulz here from Politico:

Former presidential candidate John Edwards is engaged to longtime mistress Rielle Hunter, according to a report.

The Jan. 17 issue of the National Enquirers says that the ex-North Carolina senator asked the mother of his lovechild to marry him only three weeks after burying his wife, Elizabeth, who died from cancer. The couple is said to be tying the knot some time this summer.

“Heartless cheater defies Elizabeth’s dying wish,” screams a line on the supermarket tab’s cover. Below that: “Rielle tells his two young kids: ‘CALL ME MOMMY!”

“I do know that I love him and that love is till death do us part, and probably beyond,” Hunter recently told GQ magazine. “We have a child together, so at the very least we will be co-parents together.”

Beyond?? A liberal husband stealer believes in life after death and seriously thinks she would both go to heaven and get dibs on John over Elizabeth? Presuming of course that John avoids hell somehow, which according to the odds in Vegas, his soul is firmly in the win column for Old Scratch.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “Elizabeth Edwards’ Corpse Finally Cools. John Announces Engagement

  • I’m a liberal, like most of my close friends, and I’m a bit confused. First, few of us would ever consider him/her a leader of any movement or ideology we consider important to us. Second, most of us consider his behavior disgusting and antithetical to our ideology, and would like him removed from the political seen with someone actually considered liberal among people who call themselves liberal.

    Third – assuming you claim to be a Christian (your religious views were completely omitted) – your own statements about his odds for the afterlife are plain uninformed. Very specifically, Christians are urged to remember 1) don’t make judgments like “he’s going to hell” and instead love someone is the primary commandment of Christianity, 2) his wife dying of cancer may have been considered a liberal… did she deserve that condemnation?

    Quite a few people consider their Christian upbringing (which I’m wildly guessing is Christian by your standards) to be the basis of their liberal ideology. I don’t see God opening up the sky and telling us that’s wrong, nor did I see the names of any religious deities on my voting ballots. Try to consider someone else’s ideology from their point of view enough to come to at least the same conclusions they come to, before pretending you know how they think or whether their Right or Wrong in the religion of You.

    Funny which things you consider most important when talking about your religion. I don’t see love anywhere in that. What if this were the only/first impression a liberal gets of your religion? Aren’t you obliged to not condemn them and try to reach out with a message of love, not judgment of actions?

  • Brian, like all liberals, the only tenet you can think of is that tired old “Do Not Judge” part whereby you guys think that makes it okay to suck cock in bathrooms because no one is allowed to say anything about how disgusting your actions are.

    And yet you make your own judgments against me for having the gall to condemn Johnny to hell. Can’t have it both ways.

    Wow, for a liberal to admit that what John Edwards did was disgusting is a huge leap in the right direction. And yes, liberals voted for him enough in the 2008 election to force Hillary into a runoff with Obama. Had Edwards dropped out earlier because he knew he was banging one of his groupies, it might be President Clinton now. So yeah, he’s a leader. And he will be back in the political spotlight and none of your liberal friends will condemn his actions.

  • That sure is a long winded “I don’t know what I’m talking about”… One day you’ll grow up and catch on.

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