
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionfailStupid Peoplewitches

Haitians Lynching VooDoo Priests for Spreading Cholera JuJu

Who’s up for some old-fashioned lynching of devil-worshipping heathens!? Well besides me, I guess lots of right-minded Haitians. You see, the VooDoo priests have been spreading their bad JuJu magic causing people to come down with cholera, the lulziest of the diarrhea epidemics.

From the AFP here:

Angry Haitian mobs have lynched at least 45 people in recent weeks, accusing them of spreading a cholera outbreak that has killed over 2,500 people across the country, officials said Wednesday.

The number included at least 14 suspected sorcerers previously known to have been lynched in the far southwestern region of Grand’Anse as local people feared they were spreading cholera with a magical substance. The area has been largely spared by the outbreak.

“We have counted 40 people dead in Grand’Anse department alone, where people are attacking natural healers they accuse of cholera-linked witchcraft.”

Five other people were killed in similar circumstances elsewhere in the country. “The victims — most of them voodoo priests — were stoned or hacked with machetes before being burned in the street”

Well, those lynchers are partly right. “Natural Healers” are doing nothing to help out the situation. But for the leftists out there, look at how low carbon these guys are living! No electricity, they don’t waste water taking long showers and they don’t use gasoline to drive unnecessarily.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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