
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


How ‘Bout That Global Warming, Britain?

You don’t hear too much talk about global warming anymore. I wonder why? As Britain faces its worst wintry December in a century, all those Global Warmin’ fanatics are strangely silent. I think they are hoping the rest of us will forget their support for a global economic takeover based on lies that the planet is warming. Anyways, to illustrate just how poorly Britain is prepared for snow, they do not have snow removal paid by the government. So they send out their soldiers with entrenching tools– not a real snow shovel.

Those spades only make it back breaking on the soldier and you can’t scrape the street surfaces with that thing. They may be smiling as they walk away from their job, but they left the road underfoot as a solid sheet of ice. Hope no one tries to drive on that.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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