
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Stupid PeopleTravel

Give TSA a Message Via XRAY!

I’m getting fed up with the high school dropouts enrolling in the new make-work program of the TSA, which stands for “thousands standing around.” So far I don’t think they have stopped a single terrorist, but they have been pretty good about making you throw away deodorant if it is over 3 ounces in size. If they are going to pat you down anyways, make you take off your shoes, remove your jacket, laptop, belt, cellphone, keys, loose change and everything else, you may as well force them to look in your backpack. With one of these awesome Xray Message Plates!

You can read all about this guy’s project to protest the idiocy that is the TSA at his site here.

T.S.A. Communication is a project that alters the airport security experience and allows the government to learn more about you then just what’s in your backpack. Thin 8.5 x 11 inch laser-cut sheets of stainless steel comfortably fit in your carry on bag, simultaneously obscuring the contents you don’t want the TSA to see while highlighting ideas you do want them to see. Change your role as air traveler from passive to active.

Written while sitting on the Airport floor at LAX.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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