
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

Eco-ReligionfailHumorRoPStupid PeopleYou're Fired!

Indonesian “Mystic” Destroyed in Hilarious Volcanic Burp

Some Durka-Durka earth worshiping Muslim holy man trusted his faith that a volcanic mountain he lived on wouldn’t hurt him, despite the scientific warnings that the volcano of Merapi was going to erupt. So he refused to evacuate and was fried to a holy crisp much to my personal amusement.

From the Australian here:

The body of Mbah Maridjan, one of Indonesia’s most admired mystics, was found yesterday morning in his house in ash-blasted Umbulharjo village, prostrated as if in prayer.

Maridjan, 83, was entrusted with interpreting and placating Mount Merapi’s spirit and he refused to leave his village 6km south of the caldera.

While police yesterday afternoon were still holding off an official identification, village head Bejo Mulyo said: “We have lost him, he was our guide and now let us all pray for his soul.”

Leaving the mountain, Maridjan said, would break the oath he made when he was named Ki Surakso Hargo (Keeper of the Mountain, in Javanese) by Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX in 1982.

Tuesday evening, after three days of red alert and 42,000 people had been evacuated from a 10km radius around its slopes, Merapi began spewing pyroclastic flows.

A symbol of Islam Kejawen, traditional undogmatic Javanese Islam suffused with animism, the humble little keeper was also a man of his times.

Score another one for science! And of course hippies and eastern religious dolts are weeping for this almost-90 year old muslim. Tom Cruise is sad because Thetans jumped out of the volcano and got Maridjan, not fresh cleansing lava. And he wasn’t prostrated in prayer, he was trying to kiss his old ass bye-bye.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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