
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreEco-ReligionfailStupid People

Moonbats Equate Hamburgers to Heroin

To a liberal, there is absolutely no difference between eating a meat sandwich and injecting hardcore opiates. So far hamburgers have killed absolutely zero human beings. Heroin on the other hand, has taken the lives of lots of musicians, actors, and junkies the world over. But eating animal products must be demonized, even if it means you bring out your works and pretend to shoot up in front of a five year old kid.

The makers of this ad are Australian. The Aussies seem to be trying to catch up to Europeans in the arena of moonbattery. The first comment on the YouTube page said it best:

whoever created the concept for this PSA should be strapped down then given heroin? and a hamburger in 12 hour intervals. he/she will probably know the difference by then.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Moonbats Equate Hamburgers to Heroin

  • WTF…

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