
I can't believe that came from your mouth!

BizarreEco-ReligionStupid People

Moonbat Water Conservation

Leftists mistakenly think that once water goes down the toilet or sink drain that it enters a negative zone in the fifth dimension to never be seen again. Thus, they preach two minute showers if they decide to bathe at all. Below you see a new invention by a leftist whackjob who uses the threat of killing a goldfish to prevent you from using too much precious water to wash your hands.

From YanLu here:

As consumption is incalculable, saving is often neglected through daily consumption. Rather than forcing people to consume less, thus depressing the using experience, Poor Little Fish basin offers an emotional way to persuade consumers to think about saving water, by making consumption tangible.

I wonder what PETA would think?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

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