
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Brian Sonne’s Friends Equate Him With Jailed Black Civil Rights Leaders

Byron Sonne purchased chemicals off the internet to use in the construction of explosives. They were triacetone triperoxide, the same chemicals used by Richard Reid, the shoebomber, in his attempt to blow up an airliner over Detroit.

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Sonne did all this and boasted about it to security forces and his friends alike during the runup to the G20 summit in Toronto.

Eight years before the Columbine school massacres, Byron Sonne planted a fake bomb that led to his school being evacuated, causing classmates to vote him “most likely to become an international terrorist” in the school yearbook. Had he been younger and pulled a stunt like this post-Columbine he would still be trying to get out of jail today.

Now his dear friends have penned a ridiculous article equating him to a jailed black civil rights leader, suggesting that he has somehow been slurred by the “H” word, as if the word “hacker” is even in the same ballpark as the word “nigger.” Which is ironic considering that the HacklabTO, the group which is pushing the Free Byron meme is an all white organization.

In the article posted here, OpenAttitude declares:

For Byron Sonne Canada’s legal system will decide his fate, sooner or later. For the rest of us, there is an opportunity here to rise above the ignorance and fear surrounding hackers. The first step is to recognize that there are people out there who are smarter than you; the second, that not all of them are out to do wrong.

Byron Sonne is not even the smartest guy on the CELLBLOCK in Toronto. He is no security expert either, having only recently gained the experience and training to pass his CISSP exam and certification only to have it suspended for his threats to the G20.

But the article does indeed highlight that these hackers believe themselves to be the intellectual superiors to others, and that the rules everyone is meant to follow, somehow shouldn’t apply to them. And this explains why Sonne’s supporters remain mystified that the Canadian courts have deemed Sonne, who has a history of making bomb threats, a risk to the public and have kept him jailed pending his trial. They feel the courts should recognize Sonne’s brilliant and superior mind and allow him to operate under his own societal rules. However, the reality is the courts know exactly what kind of criminal they are dealing with.

Don’t Free Byron.

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

4 thoughts on “Brian Sonne’s Friends Equate Him With Jailed Black Civil Rights Leaders

  • toadbile

    Not to nit pick, but he got the chemicals to make the TATP (hair bleach, paint thinner and a touch of drain cleaner). The finished triacetone triperoxide product doesn’t ship well unless packed in dry ice and even then I wouldn’t expect the post office to be happy with it.

  • Toadbile yes you are right and you aren’t picking nits. But he purchased these ingredients and bragged about it and hoped law enforcement would try to stop him or arrest him.

    “Challenge accepted” said the Mounties.

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