
I can't believe that came from your mouth!


Cop Shoots Black Kid So They Now Have to Burn Oakland to the Ground

Oscar Grant misbehaved on a subway train in Oakland and was dragged off by BART cops. During the arrest a cop pulled his gun and shot the kid in the back, but at trial, claimed it was supposed to be a TASER in his hand, and not his service revolver. Grant died at the scene. The cop, Johannes Mehserle, was convicted of manslaughter and will do two years in the poke. But…

Crowds are massing at this moment protesting the light sentence, and everyone is expecting the black citizens of Oakland to follow the traditions of the Watts and Rodney King riots and commence to burning. Will they break tradition? Or do the expected thing?

The video showing the shooting is embedded below. And it looks awful. The cop was inept and shouldn’t have been on the payroll of the subway system, who, apparently don’t do a very good job training their security force. But no one would murder anyone in cold blood with so many witnesses watching, would they?

Dr. Jones

Do not talk about fight club. Oops.

One thought on “Cop Shoots Black Kid So They Now Have to Burn Oakland to the Ground

  • You can tell by the video that the cop freaked when he realized that he just popped the kid…(hands on head, etc.). There hasn’t been a heinously destructive and rediculously stupid riot in California in a long time; so I say PILLAGE ON YOU MESIRABLE CRETINS!

    Remember the pirate code, though so you end up with something for your troubles…

    Burn then Plunder, major blunder
    Plunder and Pillage, major fillage

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